Sunday, July 20, 2014


The crash of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 plane in eastern Ukraine must be investigated thoroughly and objectively. It is necessary to hold a comprehensive investigation... and not to make premature conclusions.

"There is a need for impartial, open investigation of what happened.

“Pressure should not be brought on this investigation, trying to prejudge its outcome with broad statements and insinuations that are unjustified in such a difficult situation," Russia's U.N. ambassador Vitaly Churkin (pix) warned the U.N. Security Council on Friday.

MH17 incident could be a game changer in the Ukraine crisis... but Putin needs his war, and he needs to win !

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Divide N Rule ... These three words are da policy N strategy of every Colonial power. Thats what this Israeli’s Ops Protective Edge is all about – divide Hamas N Fatah, N rule over Palestine... N eventually da Arab world!

N thats what this Al-Baghdadi’s Islamic State is all about – divide Sunni N Shiah, N rule over Saudi Arabia... N eventually da Muslim world!

N thats what this Putin’s Ukraine crisis  is all about – divide East N West , N rule over Europe... N eventually da Christian world!

Who benefits? U don't need PhD to understand this!

N ... we must not forget that in da world of da blind, da One-eyed man is king – Dajjal !

Friday, July 11, 2014

Pax Judaica

“The news from Iraq of the restoration of a Khilāfah State (i.e., Caliphate) and the appointment of a new Khalīfa (i.e., Caliph) fits perfectly into the Zionist game-plan. We now anticipate the unfolding of a number of very startling events that will provide opportunity for Israel to advance her agenda towards the world-order of Pax Judaica: ...” ~ INH